Showing posts with label sql server data base management system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sql server data base management system. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

how to create Employee management system asp & sql server | sradha webcreations

Employee management system asp & sql server

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

public partial class OR_remunaretion : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    double dBasic;
    double dWash;
    double dMedical;
    double dOther;

    double dPBasic;
    double dPWash;
    double dPMedical;
    double dPOther;

    string sDay;
    double dPtotal;
    protected void DropDownListMONTH_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //string sMonth;
        string sDay;
        if (DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 2)
            sDay = "28";
        else if (DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 4 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 6 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 9 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 11)
            sDay = "30";
            sDay ="31";
        TextBoxDAY.Text = Convert.ToString(sDay);
 protected void TextBoxPIADdUTY_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dPaidDuibty;
     int  iDay = Convert.ToInt32(TextBoxDAY.Text);
        dPaidDuibty = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxPIADdUTY.Text);
        dBasic = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxBASIC.Text);
        dPBasic = dPaidDuibty * dBasic / iDay;
        TextBoxPBASIC.Text = Convert.ToString(dPBasic);
        dWash = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxWASH.Text);
        dPWash = dPaidDuibty * dWash / iDay;
        TextBoxPWASH.Text = Convert.ToString(dPWash);
        dMedical = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxMEDICAL.Text);
        dPMedical = dPaidDuibty * dMedical / iDay;
        TextBoxPMEDICAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dPMedical);
        dOther = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxOTHER.Text);
        dPOther = dPaidDuibty * dOther / iDay;
        TextBoxPOTHER.Text = Convert.ToString(dPOther);   
        double dPtotal;
        dPtotal = dPBasic + dPWash + dPWash + dPMedical + dPOther;
        TextBoxPAYBLETOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dPtotal);
    protected void TextBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dRemunaretion;
        dRemunaretion = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxREMUNARETION.Text);
        double dTotal;
        dBasic = (dRemunaretion * 80 / 100);
        TextBoxBASIC.Text = Convert.ToString(dBasic);
        dWash = (dRemunaretion * 5 / 100);
        TextBoxWASH.Text = Convert.ToString(dWash);
        dMedical = (dRemunaretion * 5 / 100);
        TextBoxMEDICAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dMedical);
        dOther = (dRemunaretion * 10 / 100);
        TextBoxOTHER.Text = Convert.ToString(dOther);
        dTotal = dBasic + dWash + dMedical + dOther;
        TextBoxTOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dTotal);

    protected void TextBoxTDS_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dPtotal=Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxPAYBLETOTAL.Text);
        double dTDS=Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxTDS.Text);
        double WF = 100;
        double dGrandTotal;
        dGrandTotal = dPtotal + WF + dTDS;
        TextBoxGRANDTOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dGrandTotal);
        TextBoxWF.Text = Convert.ToString(WF);
