Showing posts with label salary calculations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salary calculations. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

how to create Employee management system asp & sql server | sradha webcreations

Employee management system asp & sql server

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

public partial class OR_remunaretion : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    double dBasic;
    double dWash;
    double dMedical;
    double dOther;

    double dPBasic;
    double dPWash;
    double dPMedical;
    double dPOther;

    string sDay;
    double dPtotal;
    protected void DropDownListMONTH_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //string sMonth;
        string sDay;
        if (DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 2)
            sDay = "28";
        else if (DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 4 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 6 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 9 || DropDownListMONTH.SelectedIndex == 11)
            sDay = "30";
            sDay ="31";
        TextBoxDAY.Text = Convert.ToString(sDay);
 protected void TextBoxPIADdUTY_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dPaidDuibty;
     int  iDay = Convert.ToInt32(TextBoxDAY.Text);
        dPaidDuibty = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxPIADdUTY.Text);
        dBasic = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxBASIC.Text);
        dPBasic = dPaidDuibty * dBasic / iDay;
        TextBoxPBASIC.Text = Convert.ToString(dPBasic);
        dWash = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxWASH.Text);
        dPWash = dPaidDuibty * dWash / iDay;
        TextBoxPWASH.Text = Convert.ToString(dPWash);
        dMedical = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxMEDICAL.Text);
        dPMedical = dPaidDuibty * dMedical / iDay;
        TextBoxPMEDICAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dPMedical);
        dOther = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxOTHER.Text);
        dPOther = dPaidDuibty * dOther / iDay;
        TextBoxPOTHER.Text = Convert.ToString(dPOther);   
        double dPtotal;
        dPtotal = dPBasic + dPWash + dPWash + dPMedical + dPOther;
        TextBoxPAYBLETOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dPtotal);
    protected void TextBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dRemunaretion;
        dRemunaretion = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxREMUNARETION.Text);
        double dTotal;
        dBasic = (dRemunaretion * 80 / 100);
        TextBoxBASIC.Text = Convert.ToString(dBasic);
        dWash = (dRemunaretion * 5 / 100);
        TextBoxWASH.Text = Convert.ToString(dWash);
        dMedical = (dRemunaretion * 5 / 100);
        TextBoxMEDICAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dMedical);
        dOther = (dRemunaretion * 10 / 100);
        TextBoxOTHER.Text = Convert.ToString(dOther);
        dTotal = dBasic + dWash + dMedical + dOther;
        TextBoxTOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dTotal);

    protected void TextBoxTDS_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double dPtotal=Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxPAYBLETOTAL.Text);
        double dTDS=Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxTDS.Text);
        double WF = 100;
        double dGrandTotal;
        dGrandTotal = dPtotal + WF + dTDS;
        TextBoxGRANDTOTAL.Text = Convert.ToString(dGrandTotal);
        TextBoxWF.Text = Convert.ToString(WF);
