Showing posts with label anugul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anugul. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gita Pratistan Thought Of The Day | Sradha WebCreations

Gita Pratistan Thought Of The Day


Contact No:-9040573923,9853526818
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The Bhagavad Gita can be utilised like a daily Bible, a guide for every problem that we may encounter. It is a handbook of instructions about how every human being can imbibe the Vedanta philosophy in one's life. One of the most well-known verses from the Gita is "Karmani ave adhikars te"/ma phalesu kadachana/ma karmaphal hetur bhoo/ma sangostu akramani", which means "You have the power to act only/you do not have the power to influence the result/therefore, you must act without the anticipation of the result/and without succumbing to inaction."

We are happy you have arrived and it will be our pleasure to serve you. Here you will be presented transcendental knowledge of the most profound spiritual nature as revealed in the Bhagavad- Gita. It is the divine discourse spoken by the Supreme Lord Krishna Himself and is the most popular and well known of all the sacred scriptures from ancient India. Always being revered as a true source of spiritual knowledge it reveals the purpose and goal of human existence. In conjunction to this we will be presenting precise Vedic verification of the Supreme Lord Krishna's divine incarnations as evidence confirming His supreme position. In Bhagavad- Gita, chapter 10, verse 20, the Supreme Lord reveals that He manifests as the immortal soul within each and every living entity. No where else within any other religious scripture is this information available. Our purpose is to make the eternal knowledge of Bhagavad- Gita freely available to everyone all over the Earth.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita | Gita Pratistan | Sradha WebCreations

  Shrimad Bhagavad Gita | Gita Pratistan | Sradha WebCreations
Bhagavad Gita is a part of the great Hindu epic Mahabharata. The holy scripture is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. Considered to be a doctrine of universal truth, Bhagavad Gita has long been influencing people not only in India but around the world also. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us various important principles that relate to work, life, religion, philosophy and spirituality.

As we all know, Srimad Bhagavad Geeta, literally, the Divine Song of the Lord, is the holy book of the Hindus. A dialogue between Lord Krishna and Pandava Prince Arjuna, it comprises 700 shlokas across 18 chapters as part of the epic Mahabharata. It is believed to be a straight gospel from the lips of Lord Krishna as he advised Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Arjuna tells Lord Krishna that he is becoming increasingly morose about losing his family and killing his brothers as he is forced to go to war with them: "Na ca saknomy avasthatum bhramativa ca me manah nitmittani ca pasyami viparitani kesava/ O Krishna, I am unable to keep composed; my mind is unsteady, and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens." The battlefield is symbolic of life. Most of us are also full of fears and misgivings about meeting the challenges that life throws in our face. There are many moments when we feel overwhelmed, and want to slip away and not face situations that need solutions.

Contact No:-9040573923,9853526818
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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Rj Raunac By Sradha WebCreations

Listen your favourite Rj Raunac As Baua and Fun ki baat at A single click

Rj Raunac As Baua

Fun ki baat
 Don't wait for Thursday to Saturday  at 8:27 Pm on @ZeeNews. single click on this link watch your favourite show with @rjraunac

details Contact Call Us : +91-9040573923

Thursday, July 6, 2017

cheapest domain & server registration in Odisha @199 :Sradha WebCreations

book your business name and server @199/-

There are more and more entrepreneurs moving into the world of online business after running an offline business. Currently, there are 27 million entrepreneurs in the India . This is because of the potential of the online world, and the fact that many offline industries are transitioning into online ventures. There is good news from Sradha WebCreations, We Provides domain @199 only this month for students and small Business Owners to make their business online. Free server space for three month,   It helps the small business owners improves their sales more than 60%. It also help students to build his/her professional  image in internet . company can easily contact you for job.
Benefits of converting your business  online from traditional..
Whether you sell products or services traditionally, you must have noticed that people simply don’t take your business seriously if you tell them that your company does not have a website. A nice corporate site definitely increases the image of a company especially if it has great product or service related content to go with.

 2.client can get your INFORMATION MORE EASILY

If you have a professional website, you can add or make any changes to your company and product related content virtually in a matter of couple of hours, publish on your site and share with the whole world. deals your BUSINESS 24 HOURS.

How else you can continue making sales, while your stuffs are sleeping and busy with other Work! The biggest advantages of online shops are that they are open 24 hours a day year round. Thanks to Internet off time, when your shop is generally closed, sales in some cases can be more than your regular business hours!


Your Website allows you to do business from any part of the world. Your physical location, except for few cases is not that important since you conduct your business online. Any one can easily got your contact details.

 INTERNET IS A PERFECT VENUE FOR BUSINESS so why waiting book your business name  @199 for details contacts


Contact No:-9040573923,9853526818
Youtube Channel:-

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Billing software : Sradha WebCreations

On  time billing software for business owners . you can use this software for
Wholesale billing, Jewelry billing, Medicine billing, Retailer billing, Petrol pump billing, Invoice generation shop, Cafe corner billing etc … you can use this software both on line and offline . we also allocated  web space for this software to avoid data loss. If you format your  system this after installing this software you all data from web store.

For details information contact Sradha WebCreations
Call us: 9040573923, 9853526818,7008182025
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